The world’s first Choose-Your-Own-Adventure display banner.


To promote Netflix’s Lost in Space audio game for Google Home devices, I concepted and developed a series of interactive display banners that worked like the game itself, giving the user a simple narrative followed by a choice of what to do next.

As users went around the web, we could deliver follow-up banners that were truly responsive to the choice they’d made earlier, giving a short unique story set in the Lost in Space world.

After a high-energy introduction, users got a tiny story and a choice to make. Hovering over a choice would give a preview of the next location .

The user flow. The first touchpoint gave the user two choices, which determined the next ad they saw. That ad then gave another choice, totaling four different routes. If a user didn’t make a choice, the story would continue as though they had, inst…

The user flow. The first touchpoint gave the user two choices, which determined the next ad they saw. That ad then gave another choice, totaling four different routes. If a user didn’t make a choice, the story would continue as though they had, instead of repeating.


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